Beth Parcell Evans lives an artist's fantasy life. With her main residence in central New Jersey, in the middle of unlimited equestrian sports, and another house in the wilderness of Maine, plus yet another on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, she has access to enough painting ideas and material to last 100 lifetimes.
Her favorite subject has always been the horse, particularly in sports such as racing and foxhunting. Canine and wildlife subjects are a close second. Beth's passion for art began around age 4 when she began to draw horses and obsess about having one of her own. When she was about 9 years old, she began to paint in oils, sitting alongside her grandfather as he painted New Jersey landscapes. Oil paint naturally became her favorite medium.
After 4 years of training in fine art and commercial illustration, Beth began a professional career in oil painting and has been painting for 31 years.
Beth believes in living what she paints. She follows her local fox hunt twice a week and can be found often at Monmouth Park, Belmont or Saratoga, or following the steeplechasing and point-to-point venues. She has owned 4 Thoroughbred horses that came off the racetrack and has been an avid rider for 40 years. Her wildlife paintings originate from her travels that span the east coast from Maine to North Carolina.
An award-winning artist, Beth's work has been in many exhibitions, including several one-woman shows, and can be found in private and corporate collections across the US and Europe. Beth has also participated in the Annual Art Exhibition and Auction to Benefit the Dream Come True Therapeutic Riding Program in Hunterdon County from 2000 through 2008. In 2009 a benefit was not held.
Please Note: All painting images on this website are copyrighted. Any reproduction is prohibited without the express permission of the artist.